What is the Pathway?
It’s a Map to Your Success!
It’s hard to get anywhere if you don’t know how to get there. Seems simple, yet far too many have tried to make it in the photography business only to fail after a short while. They either found there was much more to learn than expected or they simply got in over their head.
Don’t let this happen to you!
The Pathways to Success provides you with the tools you need to build a photographic career by design rather than by default.
Simply follow the map, complete the studies, and follow up with our self-assessment tools to ensure you are getting everything you need from each section.
Track Your Progress
As with any good map, the Pathways to Success provides you with a number of “mile markers” to help you plot your course and identify where you are on your journey. We call our mile markers, “Success Badges”.
Success Badges can be earned through your participation in the Texas School of Photography, various TPPA Events throughout the year and our ever-growing online resource library, TPPA365.
Once you have successfully completed a step, mark your progress with a Success Badge.